Direct connection to cloud with global coverage using LTE-M1 and NB-IoT
Bittium Cellular IoT Solution is a modular software solution that runs inside an operator approved certified modem module. This approach minimizes needs from the host hardware and offloads cloud processing and communication stack software from the host system.
The modular structure of the software enables straightforward portability to cellular modem modules, which supports the application software running inside the module. Modules with this support are available from Nordic, U-Blox, Quectel, Telit and others.
Modem module adaptation work contains mainly updating the modem hardware and firmware adaptation part of the software solution (Modem Manager Module). Our current solution is running on Nordic nRF9160 modem module with CAT-M1 and NB-IoT cellular connectivity.
Update existing obsolete 2G/3G connectivity to the latest 4G/5G IoT connectivity. Typical use cases are e.g. asset tracking, remote monitoring and control (gas, water, electricity, heating, cooling), alarming (fire, intruder).
Replace existing local area wireless connectivity, like BT/Wi-Fi, or wired ethernet to the latest 4G/5G IoT connectivity and remove the need for a gateway. Typical devices are e.g. wearable devices, home appliances, diagnostics devices.
New product development with latest 4G/5G IoT connectivity optimized for your use case. Custom built device with latest technologies gives you the optimal product (size, price, operating time) with lowest operating costs.
Architectural adaptation layer to the host system. Enables isolated adaptation to the host system hardware and software minimizing the changes for the system.
Modem activity orchestrator with actual modem hardware and firmware adaptation. Modem manager controls the actual modem, modem state, LTE recovery and governs the activities of the Host Communication Module and Cloud Client Module.
Communication module to the cloud/edge. Cloud Client Module adapts the data, event, task, and control communication from the host system to the target cloud infrastructure and selected protocols. Cloud Client Module uses modem's trusted environment for the communication security.