Stock Exchange & Press Releases 2024

October 21, 2024

Bittium SafeMove® Mobile VPN Software Is Now Quantum-Safe

Bittium Corporation
Press Release

Bittium SafeMove® Mobile VPN Software Is Now Quantum-Safe

Bittium Corporation press release on October 21, 2024, at 2.00 p.m. (CEST +1)

Bittium has implemented the quantum-safe (Post-Quantum Cryptography, PQC) ML-KEM algorithm (previously known as CRYSTALS-Kyber), standardized by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), into Bittium SafeMove® Mobile VPN software that is used for encrypting network traffic. With the implementation of the algorithm, SafeMove® Mobile VPN software offers quantum-safe connectivity between a mobile device and an organization’s services to protect the organization’s sensitive data from the threat of quantum computing.

The implementation of quantum-safe algorithms in information security products has become a topical issue as the development of quantum computers advances. The classical algorithms are vulnerable to high-performance quantum computing and quantum-safe algorithms are needed to replace them. Quantum-safe algorithms are based on mathematical problems that cannot be efficiently solved by quantum computing. For example, Finland’s national cryptography working group has outlined that quantum-safe algorithms standardized by NIST, such as ML-KEM, will be added to the national cryptographic criteria used for evaluating encryption products. By starting to use the quantum-safe algorithms, it is possible to avoid the situation where data encrypted with classical algorithms is harvested now for a later analysis with a quantum computer.

The IPsec SafeMove® Mobile VPN uses a so-called hybrid approach for encryption, which means a combination of two different algorithms; a classical public-key algorithm and a quantum-safe algorithm. The advantage of the hybrid approach is that the security of the data is not compromised even if a vulnerability is found in the quantum-safe algorithm while the research of the algorithms and the development of quantum computers still advances. The quantum-safe SafeMove® Mobile VPN connection secures also such network traffic of the user organization that has not yet been updated to be quantum-safe, for example TLS-encrypted (Transport Layer Security) e-mail traffic for which it may still take a long time before it is updated to be quantum-safe.

"The high level of security of the SafeMove Mobile VPN product is one of our priorities and we are proud to be at the forefront of implementing a quantum-safe algorithm into our product. The research and development work for this implementation began in 2022 as part of the PQC Finland project, funded by Business Finland's Digital Trust program. Our customers can be confident that they are using a top-tier product that is secure now and also against future threats," says Tommi Kangas, Senior Vice President of Bittium's Defense & Security business segment.

Bittium SafeMove® Mobile VPN

Bittium SafeMove® Mobile VPN software, designed for authority use, secures connections between mobile devices and services from the moment the device is powered on. This enables secure use of networks and all IP-based applications. The software allows authorities to securely access the same critical information systems remotely as they would on a fixed network, and classified material can be transferred without separate encryption.

SafeMove® Mobile VPN is used as part of the Bittium Tough Mobile™ 2 C communication solution, which has been approved for protecting NATO Restricted and Finland’s national Confidential (TL III) level data, and can also be used with other Android™ and Microsoft Windows devices. SafeMove® Mobile VPN software has also been granted Finland’s national security classification Restricted (TL IV) and Spain’s national security classification Restricted (DIFUSIÓN LIMITADA).

More information about SafeMove® Mobile VPN product:

Further information:

Tommi Kangas
Senior Vice President, Defense & Security
Tel. +358 40 344 2789 (group communications)
Email: [email protected]

Main media

Bittium - Defence & Security

Bittium is a trusted Finnish company with over 35 years of experience in advanced radio communication technologies and biosignal processing. For the Defense & Security market, Bittium provides the most modern products and solutions for tactical and secure communications. The products and solutions for tactical communications bring broadband data and voice to all troops across the battlefield. For secure communications, Bittium offers proven mobile devices and cyber security solutions certified up to the CONFIDENTIAL level. Bittium’s net sales in 2023 were EUR 75.2 million and operating result was EUR -4.3 million. Bittium is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Exchange.

Android is a trademark of Google LLC. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.